
We've made some changes! Check out our video of how we looked before and see the photos below that show how much we've grown into our new expanded location.

Take a virtual tour of our store....

As you come in, you'll find our incoming book counter, where you can trade unwanted books for in house credit or simply ask for some direction towards your favourite section. Often you'll find Sophie, our book store rescue dog enjoying a patch of floor to snooze on.

We’ve been at our new location for 6 years now so come in and enjoy over 5000 sq. ft. of books.

Our shelves are fully stocked for your reading pleasure in a variety of genres and interests.

The only bears you will find in our store are book loving bears.

This baby book loving bear saved a comfy seat for you to relax and enjoy a good book.

Corduroy bear recommends browsing through our large fiction section for great authors like Tess Gerritsen and many others.

If you are looking for a bit of action and adventure check out our large selection of Tom Clancy’s military thrillers or Clive Cussler’s treasure hunting, underwater action-packed adventures!

The Children's section grown up! We have sections for all ages, from toddlers to Young Adults.  Over 15,000 books in the children's section!

If your kids are into stories about horses, we have many great options for you to choose from…as well as many other books for children of all reading ages.

If you are the type of person to choose a book by its cover, spin the rack to see what catches your eye!

Our funky reading chair resides in our cozy romantic suspense nook – one of the busiest parts of our store!

Interested in learning about someone else’s life? Check out the biography section!

We are overflowing with extra James Patterson and Iris Johansen.  Look for them in the Mystery/Suspense section and on the spinner racks.

Got a summer party?  Want to try something new?  Crock-pot in the closet and don’t know what to do?  Check out the cook book and alternative diet section for some great ideas.

Craving an epic journey into a different land or adventures that are out of this world?  We have a large assortment of fantasy and science fiction novels to choose from.

The helpful bears would also like you to know that we carry an assortment of new books, boxed sets, and local authors as well.

Ollie has been coming to the store since he was only a few months old and would like you to know that there is always something new to discover when you arrive.

Ollie is still trying to figure out just how many bears are actually in the store.  He also wonders what exactly it means when a weasel goes pop!  He’ll have to get someone to read him Pop Goes the Weasel sometime.

Ollie agrees that books about cats definitely belong in the Horror section.  The store also has a great selection of Stephen King, Anne Rice and Dean Koontz along with many others.

Don’t panic if you can’t find what you are looking for.  Our friendly staff will help you find it.  Or you can put your name down in the request book for a phone call when the book you are looking for comes in.

Check out our $1.95 Hardcover sale section as you come through the door and find some great deals from your favourite authors.

Want a bigger deal? Buy five books at $1 each and get the sixth book free! Small paperbacks only.  We have a male and female author section as well as a place just for the mysteries. Mix and match, before taking home a great deal!